There are many opinions and viewpoints in relation to healthcare and leadership generally. Ranging from the ideas suggesting that all leaders are born, and you cannot ‘learn’ to be a leader, through to behavioural concepts which enhance the view that leaders are not born but any dedicated person can learn behaviours to become an effective leader. There has been much research into this topic and many models have emerged. In addition, so too has many myths.One that caught my eye is that good leaders are perfect and good leadership speaks to a lack of error. One field where this view is evidently held is within healthcare. Many of us use healthcare services and follow its leadership’s thinking. Often, particularly when we are at our most vulnerable we are tempted to think these individuals are infallible and incapable of substandard services.
This view can then lead to distress and frustration if shortcomings are found amongst these individuals; but are we right to impose such high standards of excellence upon our healthcare leaders? Especially given the huge pressures placed on healthcare services.This question reminded me of a lecture I taught recently regarding systems thinking and clinical human factors in healthcare. From these models it is a given that humans will error ‘To err is human’ and we should be building and improving healthcare systems and work models around the fact that we know this vital piece of information. Many other safety critical industries (e.g. aviation, nuclear and chemical) have done this effectively already.
To continually work to improve or develop a healthcare service, involves an element of effective leadership. It is a process of continuous improvement moving from one level to a higher level, becoming better and more effective with time. Another theory which originates from Japan; Kaizen, models a long-term approach to work which strives to achieve small, incremental changes in processes to improve efficiency and quality.Effective healthcare leaders could embrace a Kaizen approach towards their own development and growth as leaders.
Healthcare leaders are not perfect, but could develop their skills, knowledge and abilities to better handle the new challenges our healthcare services are seeing an will continue to see over many years. A leader who is stagnant with where he or she is and who does not see the value of continuously improving, may become counter-productive to those they lead. Alternatively, those leaders who make even small positive changes to their leadership style, communication skills, emotional intelligence and management skills will, inevitably provide more effective leadership to their organisations.
Healthcare leaders could also do well to encourage those under their leadership to do the same. If a whole team are continuously improving themselves, there will be an associated improvement across the service or organisation.Healthcare leaders are not always perfect, but it is an individual’s responsibility to make the effort to be better today than yesterday. Having some ownership and accountability to encourage the same small, positive changes within the teams who follow you. Healthcare Leadership is about continuous improvement and it is this effort that will deliver transformations our healthcare services.
I’ve already mentioned a few ways individual healthcare leaders can improve themselves; their teams and organisations, but regular training and coaching helps to create the right environment and schedule to flourish.
Advanced Clinical Solutions can design or implement a programme for healthcare leaders and organisation to address specific needs and also provide teams with opportunities to develop soft skills or other competencies empowering them to be even more effective in their roles.
To find out more or book an initial consultation Call 01633 415 427 or email me.
Josie Winter-Clinical Director
Advanced Clinical Solutions
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