The CQC uses four ratings to describe the quality of care provided by healthcare providers
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for regulating and inspecting healthcare providers in England to ensure that they provide safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led care. The CQC will be using a new single assessment framework (SAF) to assess the quality of care provided by these healthcare providers. In this blog post, we will explore the process of how the CQC reaches a rating under the new Single Assessment Framework.
The evidence categories and quality statements are weighted equally, and the CQC's operational teams use their professional judgment when making decisions about quality, which undergoes quality assurance processes.In the example provided by the CQC, to assess the infection prevention and control quality statement in general practice, the required evidence categories are people's experiences, feedback from staff and leaders, observation, and processes.
In conclusion, the CQC uses a comprehensive approach to assess the quality of care provided by healthcare providers. The new SAF and scoring methodology provide clear and transparent information to help the CQC make consistent judgments and drive improvement in the quality of care provided by healthcare providers.
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