This weekend marks exactly 12 months since clinicians were called to deal with to what became the first confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the UK. On 31 January, they were taken to the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle - where it was confirmed they had tested positive for coronavirus. Fast forward two months on 11th March 2020 the World Health Organisation declared a global pandemic, changing the way we live our lives dramatically.
This weekend also marks the 1 year anniversary of the first person who passed away from COVID-19 . Peter Attwood, an 84 year old man from Kent . It was later discovered in August 2020 that it was in fact the first COVID related death here in the U.K . His passing was initially thought be related to pneumonia and heart failure. Fast forward 1 year and the UK infection rate has surpassed 3.7 million and over 100,000 people have sadly lost their lives to this awful disease.
But there is light at the end of tunnel and possibly our only route out of this .To bring this pandemic under control a large share of the world needs to be immune to the virus. The safest and most effective way to achieve this is with a vaccine. Vaccines are a technology that humanity has relied on time and time again in the past to bring down rates of infectious diseases.
Within 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, several research teams rose to the challenge and developed vaccines that protect us from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. To provide some perspective , we have only ever eradicated one human infectious disease completely which was Smallpox . The last known natural case was documented in Somalia in 1979. So what does that indicate for COVID-19 ? The chances of completely eradicating COVID are extremely small.
Fundamentally, if we want to get rid of a pathogen, we must have a way of stopping its transmission. By halting the spread, breaking the chain of infection and being able to isolate those infected without anyone else getting sick.
Do a great job with this and there won’t be any new cases anywhere in the world — the disease is eradicated. Sounds simple right ! This theory , as we are living out today does not always translate into practice.
What we have is a number of factors that are making the control of COVID-19 extremely difficult.
Firstly is asymptomatic transmission, the disease does not always make its presence clearly and unambiguously known. These characteristics make it incredibly difficult to track new cases and quickly stop outbreaks .However we have some measures in place to help with this.
Second factor — is not a biological consideration, but a psychological one. Is COVID-19 still a feared disease? People knew small pox was deadly, and even survivors could be scarred for life. But we are seeing less and less of this psychological impact with COVID-19 as the months pass. From anti-vaxxers to COVID deniers.
Lockdown in March 2020 looks very , very different to Lockdown now in January 2021 and a level of complacency has set in for some !
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