Bug of the week helps educate your staff about existing and emerging pathogens in healthcare organisations today. Each post may explore the pathogen, the infections it can cause, the modes of transmission, or the ways to prevent its spread. We look at a range of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic pathogens. We hope you to use Bug of the Week as a teaching and information tool to help educate healthcare workers and start a discussion about infection Prevention & Control
Technically not a bug itself, Pneumonia is an inflammation of the tissue of the lungs, which is often caused by a bacterial infection. It can also be caused by a virus though, such as coronavirus (COVID-19).
Often recognised through a cough, difficulty breathing and a high temperature, it can be extremely serious to the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. Symptoms often develop quite rapidly. It will often leave elderly patients feeling confused and disorientated.
Good hand and cough hygiene are essential in helping prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria that may cause pneumonia.
Are you looking to outsource some Infection Prevention & Control support for your organisation ?
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T: 01633 415 427
E: info@advancedclinicalsolution.co.uk
#pneumonia #bugoftheweek #buglady