Healthcare Quality

Healthcare Quality

Healthcare Quality must continuously be improved through constantly developing structures, outcomes and process

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There are several areas that you can outsource to Advanced Clinical Solutions (ACS) 'Quality in Care'

Clinical Audit

Model for Improvement

Process Improvements

Quality Assurance

Plan Do Study Act


Communication Tools

Workshops & Training for Quality Managers

What is Quality all about ....?

There are several benefits of looking at

 'Quality' more closely

  • It provides a valuable opportunity for staff and patients/service users to be involved in leading and delivering change

  • It is a systematic approach by health and social care organisations to monitor, assesses and improve standards of quality.

  • It helps you to concentrate your efforts on areas where you need to improve

  • It brings about measurable improvements to a specific aspect of care delivery. 

  • It engages staff and patients by providing them with the opportunity and skills to contribute to care improvement work.

  • Improvement in health and social care is 20% technical and 80% human (communication)

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