In this conversation with Liam, infection control expert, Josie Winter, cuts through the hysteria to explain what a Coronavirus is and how we can respond to Covid-19 as healthcare professionals.
Introduction from Liam Palmer
Hello, everyone. It's Liam Palmer here on the Care Quality Podcast. Meet the leaders and the innovators. This is a special episode with Josie Winter. Josie is a leading authority on infection control and prevention.
She brings an expert perspective on how we can respond to this virus as healthcare professionals. I wrote an article recently on the impacts of the virus for the social care sector. I've noticed that managers were becoming powerless through fear and anxiety.
It was a call to action to be confident and to lead. I think having reflected on that, the missing part is the science. It's science and biology that's going to give us the strategy to win the war against this outbreak.
This episode doesn't present all the answers, but it's an informed view with science, which may help you determine which are the right questions. Josie was very generous to be so patient with me. I'm not that strong on science. She had to tutor me along the way. I hope you enjoy.
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